View Profile MinamotoNoYoshitsune

5 Movie Reviews

2 w/ Responses

It is at least better than most crap

You got a 2/5 from me because I've seen so much incredibly bad stuff here, and it seemed like you actually put some work into this. Please please please please please learn how to spell.

Very effective

The use of symbols in this animation was very effective, I found the images assisted the message very much. It was a suitable vehicle for its message and subtly hooked the viewer in to its secondary message. Still, I had hoped it would have been more a theory of liberty without the political activism. There are reasons we choose leaders and enact violence upon other peoples; and why I ought to do a flash on Machiavelli seeing as Hobbes has been done...

LuxLucre responds:

Thanks for your thoughtful review. we may disagree, but we do it in a reasonable way.

Wow, hinterland who's who...

I suppose winter has been as long and boring where you are as it has been here, or you may have made a boreal or taiga giraffe. Here's hoping it stops with the coldness.

DGB responds:

Hehe, yeah winter sucks, we just got a second winter here after 3 days of spring, ;( glad you noticed the hinterland styles!

Not bad for a first try

Well, you've got a reasonably contiguous plot, the characters are mainly easy to recognize, your timing is not bad and your use of music is quite good. For a first movie, you're definitely head and shoulders above the rest. I also have to give you credit for not taking a humourous tack on your first film, as serious stuff is harder to sell to an audience. Your cinematography could use a little work. For this, I recommend you watch "Dreams" by Akira Kurosawa. The cinematography is the finest you'll see in any film. Keep up the good work, I know we'll be seeing many better films come from your workshop!

Damn Fine

That was excellent. Armour Class Loser?


Pants. Pie. Pantspie.

Dylan @MinamotoNoYoshitsune


Quite a bit.


Joined on 3/23/03

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